Friday, June 15, 2012

Snick Snacky (Day 19)

Sun Salutations
IT Band Stretching

Short night! I really wanted to go running, but I'm too tired for that, so I did some stretching to get myself going and hopefully will get back to my routine tomorrow.

Green Smoothie
2 Oranges
1 Banana
1/2 Bunch Kale

I originally only had 1 orange, but it needed a little more sweetness, so I added another. Either I had too much kale or the kale just tasted funky; not sure. It still tasted good, was just different or 'off' from the normal. 

Toasted Hemp Seeds

I've never had hemp seeds and apparently I bought toasted :(  I was slightly discouraged! I kept wondering why they were so salty and crunchy and then I realized they weren't what is normally pictured. So, that stinks. They're also pretty addicting! I am making the tabouli recipe next weekend, so I bought these with me, but I guess I'll have to go find raw ones and stop snacking on these!!!

Cucumber Salad

Holy cow…I don’t know that I’ve ever had anything better on this menu than this! SO GOOD! I was so excited to eat this. I added some sea salt and did balsamic vinegar and olive oil to taste. Seriously…this was delicious. I wanted to save some but couldn’t stop eating it!

Couple Grapes
Bowl of Cherries
Handful of nuts
2 Sips Chardonnay

I've been snick snacky all day. I haven't had enough water either. Worked 12 hours today and really thought I wanted a glass of wine, however the 2 sips I had gave me an INSTANT headache, so I stopped and refilled my water bottl.

Kale & Chard Salad
½ Bunch Kale
½ Bunch Chard
½ Red Pepper
1 Tomato
Toasted Hemp Seed

1 Avocado
¾ Lemon Juice
Tomato seed/juice

I meant to let the kale, chard, and dressing sit all day, but I forgot, so I massaged it for a little while. It was a little tough and between the two leaves, there was a LOT of food. I have some of it sitting in the fridge.

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