Thursday, June 28, 2012

Not-So Water Fast (28 Day - Day 11)

I mainly had water today, but let me tell made me CRANKY. I was so cranky at everything. My head hurt like crazy. I had 24oz of Watermelon juice left over at work and drank that hoping it would help, but that didn't help so much. I had at least 4 servings of my 32oz bottle of much water! 
I'm not really worried about a fast today, so I did pick up some greens with the rest of my groceries and have a small salad tonight. I found baby kale on discount, so I'm assuming it expires soon. I repurposed the pate from last night and made a salad dressing with the addition of water and herbs. Added half an avocado and a couple sundried tomatoes. Not too shabby! I guess I'll make the rest for tomorrow.
I bought a lot more organic food (if they had an organic version, I bought it) along with some nutritional yeast, tahini and walnuts (all of these are expensive!) so I can begin experimenting. I spent a vast majority of my day pulling together recipes so that I can create a binder for myself and while reading through them I got inspired! 
That's about the extent of my day, really. I feel much better now having eaten.

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