Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Journal (Day 16)

Today I had to fly out to San Antonio at 8am for a meeting. Since I wanted to be at the airport around 7 to avoid traffic, I just started my daily rituals an hour early...which meant 4am. Little tired this morning, but I performed it all and got out on time! Took some snacks to have at the office since I knew they'd be having stuff I didn't want to partake in. I had a headache from flying (I'm assuming). Lasted the majority of the day. Not sure if it was the change in altitude or what. I'm home now and it's gone. 
I drank tea and water, but not as much as I normally do. I over stuffed myself with a yummy salad that I asked them to order extra (while they all had sandwiches) at lunch and some fruit. Had wine at the airport, which was unnecessary, but it was with coworkers so I kind of felt obligated. It didn't help the headache nor cause it hurt further. What caused it to hurt further was the lack of water! I felt bad getting up to use the restroom so much during this important meeting. I did drink quite a bit, just not as much as usual.
I want to write more (I had a great conversation over wine about raw eating), but I'm so tired! And the next several days are going to be exhausting.

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