I'm cramping today. This is no bueno. In fact, I've completely started my period. I'm prone to panic, since I literally ended the previous cycle a week before I started noticing this (Wed). But, I know that my body is going through some hormonal imbalance with weight loss (nearly 10 pounds!) and diet change. So, I'll keep an eye on it, track it, and hope it goes away in a week!
I'm trying this new schedule blocking thing in the mornings. I have 4 things I need to accomplish each morning. I usually get them done, but I don't manage my time well enough, get distracted, and wind up being late to work (which isn't a big deal, but I'd rather be there at 8 and not 8:30). I am much more stressed when I'm running late. As I try to cut that out of my life, I've blocked out times during the morning for each 4 thing.
5:00-5:30 -- Writing
5:30-6:30 -- Yoga & Stretching
6:30-7:00 -- Breakfast
7:00-7:30 -- Get ready for work
I should be leaving by 7:30. My prep time for the day has drastically decreased as I've gone more simplistic. I let my hair naturally dry, only wear mascara, and my summer wardrobe is light enough to be able to easily find something, slip it on, grab jewelry, and dash.
It worked perfectly this morning. I tend to get distracted once I get on the computer, which I need for writing and yoga. Perhaps I should turn the internet off - lol.
I've noticed today that I've not been really hungry. I didn't drink the beat juice until after my afternoon walk and I am just now about to drink the almond milk at 10PM. I've been okay pushing my eating times out further because I know that my hungry times are in the evenings and that's when I'm most likely to binge. Water has been sufficient today and I haven't paid much heed to how much I've had. I know I've filled my bottle and drained it 3 times, but it didn't really phase me. I didn't think "oh, I need to drink more water"; I just did it. My tongue and mouth have felt a little weird, something I noticed yesterday actually. It almost felt like I had taken zinc lozenges (for colds) and lost all taste. But then when drinking the tea this morning it was like I was tasting something new for the first time. I tasted every single herb and flower in that tea mixture. Towards the end, though, I lost that taste. It just became tea as it had before. Kind of disappointing.
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