I'd say I had a bit of insomnia last night. I laid down at 2, but couldn't get my head to stop thinking or my body to sit still. Instead, I read until about 3 before my eyes finally felt super heavy.
I had set my alarm for 6:30, just about the latest I can go and be to work by 8:30... my cat has a new habit of sleeping with me at night (it's too hot to shut the door) and getting up around 4:30-5, wanting food. He becomes obnoxious and starts getting into things to wake me up, knowing that I will because I'm a light sleeper. I usually just toss him out and close the door, but this time I decided to just get up. It was about 5:45. I did my writing, which I've neglected since before my trip to Colorado and got ready...just as if I'd not gone to bed at 3am.
My period has significantly slowed.
This is awesome! I've only been taking the Dong Quai for 3 days and it's completely changed things. I have more energy (obviously) and I think a little more clearly (though I still have some 'brainfart' moments). I hope that it isn't causing insomnia (I did this the night I got it too; I took them and didn't sleep until midnight, but I figured it was because I had napped for a couple hours in the early evening). HOPEFULLY, the hormone shift is showing how my body REALLY feels on this raw diet and that the previous was just the imbalance. Although I didn't really feel super tired and worn out, at least compared to eating the SAD... maybe I was. I didn't realize I was having mood swings and irritability until this weekend, but now looking back I have been pretty crappy to my boyfriend everytime I see him and absolutely NO sex drive.
*crosses fingers*
I have a bit of a headache right now. Lack of sleep? The new supplement? Dehydration? I've not changed anything else. I'm trying to keep my routine to 2 weeks, only changing one thing at a time in order to experiment.
Breakfast: Blended Salad -- I have adjusted the menu to go through the food that I have and while I was supposed to eat big ol' bowl of fruitsalad, I didn't feel like, nor had the time, to chop up all of the fruit. Plus, most of them will last longer than the salad in the fridge. I realized that things I make tend to last 1-3 days. The salad held up, though! Tasted better this time around...not sur why. I'm hoping the pudding also lasted.
Lunch: Salad with cucumber, onion, carrots, tomatoes, avocado and olive oil/vinegar mix dressing + salt & pepper -- Our marketing group went to a burger joint for lunch. I ordered the best I could by getting the house salad, adding avocado and onions (though they were SO potent and they added an an entire onion!), getting extra veggies, and asking for olive oil dressing. They didn't have plain olive oil, instead it was a mixture. Not sure what that means, but it tasted fine. I added some regular salt and pepper to taste as well.
Snack: Bowl of cherries -- They are going bad :(
Snack: Rest of Chocolate Pudding + toasted hemp seeds-- I had this immediately when I got home...omg the pudding is so good! All out of hemp seeds now too. I took a nap for a couple hours immediately after, hehe...
Dinner: Walnut Pate + Cucumber Slices + Kale Leaves + Tomato Slices -- The pate is pretty good! Just walnuts, 1/2 a pepper, 1/3 cucumber, 1 tbs olive oil, 1 tsp honey, 1 cup cilantro (didn't have parsley or oregano, but this worked), ground flax seed, 2 green onions, and some salt. Sadly I either overate, or my body really can't handle mass amounts of nuts in these forms because it all came back up. I either need to cut down on the quantity or just refrain from eating nut based things like pates, dressings, etc and stick to veggies and fruit!
Snack: 2 handfuls of cherries
On the drive home from work I remembered that my body does not take to sleeping pills very well, natural or other. With over the counter sleep pills I usually am knocked out for a couple hours and then wide eyed afterwards. Last Christmas my mother gave me some natural herbs to help with sleeping and I literally had insomnia for 3 days...I think I got a total of 6 hours of sleep. It was horrible!
I'm hoping that Dong Quai isn't doing the same thing. I went to look at side effects and it's actually used AS a sleep aid for individuals with insomnia... crap. Why is my body difficult?? Guess we'll see how I do the rest of this week and next! I'm determined to give it 2 weeks.
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