I'm having a hard time with my boyfriend lately. To him, and I understand where he's coming from, all of this new eating and natural belief system has come out of left field. He didn't see it coming at all and I just keep mentioning new things daily. He was understanding the diet (though not really agreeing with my choice and continually thinking that I'd be "done" with it after the 28 days) more and more, but I recently told him I don't necessarily believe in traditional doctors or taking pills. He kind of went ape. I thought we had calmed it down, but apparently not as he didn't sleep at all last night due to a pit in his stomach. He thinks I'm naive, haven't done any research, and that I'm flat out wrong.
Well, that's fine. But I don't know how to deal with it. I've been slowly getting to this point of eating vegan and raw and I'm at that point in my life where I'm questioning things spiritually and doing investigating to find my way. I guess I didn't express this to him as I was doing it so he thinks it's all of a sudden.
After my car accident last year and being prescribed all of these medicines to help the pain in my back that just led to migraines and my body rejecting them, I realized there HAS to be a more natural way. I have a coworker who literally lives off of medications for ANY little thing. She's proud of it. She's anxious? Takes a pill. She's moody? Takes a pill. She hurts? Takes several pills.... you name it, she takes them. She can get them easily from her father. Why would you do that to your body???
He's a very understanding guy, very supportive, even if he doesn't agree, but when he thinks something is truly wrong he speaks up. I'm not very eloquent when talking things out...in fact I downright suck at it. I never say what I really mean and only after an argument or conversation do I find the right wording. I've thought about writing him a letter to explain it, but that just seems so impersonal. This post I read sums up my feelings pretty well, but if I link him that he'll just throw back that it isn't scientific at all and only someone's blog.
Breakfast: Tahini Yogurt + Blueberries + Banana -- I was REALLY iffy on this recipe after having tasted raw tahini out of the jar. It's definitely just ground up sunflowers! I didn't know if adding lemon juice would be beneficial, but it was! I liked the taste of the tahini yogurt, but not with blueberries. There was a distinct aftertaste that I didn't enjoy. I think it was the tartness of the blueberries that didn't blend well. I had added a banana as well and the banana and yogurt were great! I made more than the recipe and barely ate any of it...guess I'll save for later. I tend to do this...make way more than I need. Especially with nut based recipes.
Lunch/Snack: Walnut pate + cucumber strips + tomato slices + kale leaves -- I like this little lunch and snack :)
Dinner: Fruit bowl -- Tried to prepare for the 4th pool party with a big thing of mixed fruit. Sadly I got sick of fruit again and craved greens.
Snack: Wine + half a cupcake + angel food cake -- I knew I was drinking wine, but I'm a little sad that I gave into the cake. I was so hungry and fruit was not helping. I really wanted something that would help soak up the wine because I didn't want to drink anymore. It was giving me a headache (didn't drink nearly enough water). The sweets gave me an upset stomach! Everything was homemade, but that didn't help any...
Snack: Kale leaves + walnut pate -- I was so hungry when I got home, though I'm sure most of that has to do with lack of water and the consumption of wine.
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