Monday, July 2, 2012

Runeth Over (28 Day - Day 15)'s 1:40AM on Day 16 (I retconned the time so it was for day 15).... I've been doing freelance... probably should go to bed...
Breakfast: 2 Bananas + Handful of Blueberries + Almond Mylk -- I didn't have time to cut this up and put it in a fancy bowl, so I literally shoved the bananas down and threw back a handful of blueberries. Drank the Almond mylk on the way to work and had some left over for an afternoon snack. I realized that I had food for the next couple days so I didn't need to soak the almonds, but from experience, I know the mylk doesn't last too long in the fridge!
Lunch: Panera Strawberry Poppy Seed Salad, substitute avocado for chicken, substitute balsamic vinagriette for poppy seed dressing + Apple -- This could have been better. The vinagriette didn't quite go with the fruit, avocado, and pecans. But, they had no other option! Even that dressing wasn't that great. I asked for just olive oil, but they didn't have that (????). Needless to say I'm excited to go home and make my own'll taste better!
Snack: Bowl of Cherries + Almond Mylk -- These are so tiny compared to what I'm used to! They've even Yakima cherries...just ...itty bitty.
Dinner: Blended Salad + 6 dates -- I put so much stuff in here. I put one ingredient, that I can't figure out what, that gives it a distinct taste that I am not particularly fond of and will have to omit next time! The rest of it is delicious! This time around I didn't eat it all :)
Snack: Chocolate Pudding -- Made with avocado, cocoa (not raw, I had Hershey's on hand), water, dates, vanilla (not raw). This is so awesome! I couldn't eat it all so it's sitting in my fridge in hopes that the avocado doesn't make it go bad...but seriously...yum. Now I just need to get the raw versions of stuff! And a better food processor! There's little chunks of dates...I think I can help the blender if I soak them a little bit.
Midnight Snack: Couple bites of blended salad -- I think I'm mostly parched from sitting here for so many hours working...but my brain thought I was hungry, so I ate some

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