Saturday, September 29, 2012

21 Day Cleanse - Day 6 I wanted to hang out at home and do freelance, plus make note of the sun hitting my balcony so I can plant some herbs and lettuce! However, it rained ALL day... I had thought about going hiking down south and then hitting up an outdoor yoga class, but, rained...  :(  these days make me very boring. I laid around basically all day before meeting a coworker and her boyfriend in the evening.

Warm Water & Lemon
Handful of Raw Nuts & Raisins
24 oz Water


Lettuce wrapped "sub" w/lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and guacamole
24 oz Water


Hummus & Veggies
Salad w/Balsamic Dressing

So, the past few days have literally been eating out. I have stuff I could make at home, though I lack a lot of fresh veggies and fruit. The mustard greens I want to make into chips and the kale I seem to be too lazy to make a dressing for. Oh well... I'll get to it! Hopefully before they go bad...

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